(September 27, 2022, 5:49 am)
Very nice dojo to train under 4 experienced and knowledgeable teachers. Every teacher has his own expertise in teaching Aikido and in that way they complement each other well. As a result, every aikidoka will get his money's worth, both the novice and advanced aikidoka. The composition of the dojo consists of a good mix of both men and women, young and 'old', beginners and advanced, which gives a nice atmosphere on the mat and everyone is helpful and helps each other further in their aikido development.
The lessons are well structured and everyone trains at their own level with a lot of attention for physical and mental well-being with good preparatory exercises and breathing techniques. The lessons and techniques we practice are of a high and technical level, under the inspiring leadership of Paul Janssen, the sensei and dojo cho.
In short, an open dojo where everyone is welcome!