(December 16, 2018, 2:50 pm)
12th century church, much modified over the centuries. It sits at the end of Church Lane, across the main railway line from London to Norwich. Despite the occasional rumble of trains, it is very tranquil. It is built of flint and stone boulders, with the occasional Roman tile. Some fine stonework inside and out; the most impressive feature is perhaps the wooden tower/ belfry which is 15th century.
There are (wild) bees in the belfry.
There are interesting monuments, a 15th century font, some 15th century stained glass in the chancel window.
Visited it on a mid December afternoon. It's very atmospheric in the evening light; but probably not best for photography.
The church is kept locked. The key is available from a nearby cottage. Instructions are in the church porch.
A lovely interesting church.