(November 1, 2020, 7:23 pm)
I remember well when Dr. Temple came to Alex City. People said he ran to many test. Well when I heard that I decided that was who I wanted my doctor to be. Why? Because the only way to know what is wrong is to run the test instead of guessing. Apparently others thought as I did. It wasn’t long before he stood out among the doctors as one of the best. Also his character stood out too. He was and is kind, considerate, trustworthy, and always compassionate of his patients. I remember hearing him say on more than one occasion he love to see a new birth and the sun rise and hated to see the sun set and death. I believe he still stands out as one of the best doctors not just in Alex City but among all the doctors I have had in several states I have lived in.
Thank you Dr. Temple for always being there for my family.