(January 3, 2023, 4:45 am)
We had previously gone to another location for pizza, closer to the house but they were backed up with customers even standing outside so I placed an order online at another location. I know I know- I should've, could've done it for this location but my absentmindedness paid off THIS time! We then went on to the location I THOUGHT I had ordered from but I had the wrong one based on my order... Dang all I wanted was a couple of pizzas. When we determined I was at the wrong location they sent me here to the Gilbert Rd and Broadway location. It's a tiny little spot in the middle of a busy tiny strip mall with their kitchen area just a fraction of most locations but they all worked together like a fine oiled machine as they pumped out pizzas. I am excited, overjoyed, ecstatic, pleased call it what you want but we were so impressed by their pizza I almost couldn't believe it was Little Ceasar's pizza!! So fresh and hot with gobs of cheese, it was as if I had just taken the pie right out of my own oven. We have since been back three additional times with the same level of professional service and excellent pizza!!
Highly recommend this usually just a standard pizza for $6 kind of place that blew our minds and renewed our faith in the small business's