(July 3, 2023, 12:35 pm)
I cannot speak highly enough of Alamo Montessori and all that Marnie and her team have done for our little boy.
We enrolled our son at 18 months, the youngest age that AM accepts (which is lower relative to many Montessori programs in the area!) While I knew that it would be a big transition for him, I was comforted when Marnie asked us to come see the program in action and let him join in for two short visits prior to our first day.
At the time, he was shy, attached, and was behind in his speech. Since then, he has grown into such a confident, personable, and intuitive little boy. I attribute so much of that to AM's approach to learning. They paint, do science experiments, read books, sing songs, and play outside every day. They let the child lead with their interests, but also expose them to experiences that I don't have the patience for (or the willingness to clean up!). He is constantly coming home with new skills, songs and words in his vocabulary.
He gets so much focused attention and I can tell that he is incredibly well loved and cared for. We communicate and receive photos through an app, and there are twice yearly "parent teacher conferences" where we get an update on how he is doing.
He has thrived under their care. I truly believe that placing him in Alamo Montessori has been one of the best things we have done for him. I am so grateful.