(October 5, 2018, 2:05 pm)
My Yorkie, Bridget, and I first met Dr. Heller in 2007. Bridget was two-years old and very sick from Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis. The Vet caring for her had tried "everything" to stabilize her. But, her little body wasn't responding. She had gone from 4lbs to 3lbs, in three days.
Then, my Yorkie's personal angel entered her life. Our regular Vet was out of town. And, Dr. Heller was handling his patients.
Within Dr. Heller's first five minutes with Bridget, she had reviewed all the test results, Bridget's medical history, and all prior treatments. Her expertise in Wholistic approaches gave her the advantage of assessing all the information from a completely different point-of-view.
Dr. Heller implemented numerous changes which had Bridget improving almost immediately. The biggest long-term adjustment was feeding Bridget only raw, organic food.
Bridget's medical issues will always be with her. But, Dr. Heller created a protocol for Bridget that has allowed her to have a fairly normal doggie life. We are now looking forward to celebrating Bridget's Fourteenth Birthday!
Thank you, Dr. Heller!