(January 17, 2019, 1:13 pm)
Last summer, unbeknownst to us, our hot tub sparked a fire in the middle of the night as we slept. The deck apparently smoldered on the underside for over an hour. Luckily when the flames burst through the deck I woke up and saw them. About 400 square feet of redwood decking was engulfed. We called 911, and battled it with 2 garden hoses. We were losing the fight when Ben Lomond firefighters arrived really quickly and took over. They were efficient, courteous and friendly. It took them about and hour and a half to completely knock down the fire, as they were meticulous about making sure it was all out. They saved our house from burning down, and we will never forget their response to the 1 am call which was such a great service to us and the surrounding neighbors. Thank you firefighters!