Johnston Chiropractic

(3 Reviews)
1230 Seminola Blvd, Casselberry, FL 32707, USA

(407) 695-0400

Contact and Address

Category: Health,
Address: 1230 Seminola Blvd, Casselberry, FL 32707, USA
Postal code: 32707
Phone: (407) 695-0400

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Most Recent Reviews

  • (December 11, 2018, 8:38 am)

    I have two herniated discs in my lumbar spine and the pain has been significantly reduced from only one visit. So glad they were able to get me in the same day I called. Price was affordable. Dr. Johnston and his employees are very professional and friendly. Highly recommended!

  • (September 24, 2018, 12:40 pm)

    The best Dr. In town. Wish I still lived close enough to still be treated.

  • (November 28, 2016, 3:02 pm)

    Best chiropractor in orlando

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Johnston Chiropractic On the Web

Johnston Chiropractic - Chiropractor in Casselberry, FL US

Johnston Chiropractic is your local Chiropractor in Casselberry serving all of your needs. Call us today at 407-695-0400 for an appointment.

BBB Business Profile | Johnston Chiropractic | Reviews and ...

(407) 695-0400 Johnston Chiropractic 2 years in business 1230 Seminola Blvd Casselberry, FL 32707-3523

Joseph Johnston Chiropractic Clinic Inc NPI 1528205424 ...

Joseph Johnston Chiropractic Clinic Inc's NPI Number is #1528205424 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 9 years. Joseph Johnston Chiropractic Clinic Inc's practice location is listed as: 1230 Seminola Blvd Casselberry, FL 32707-3523 and can be reached via phone at (407) 695-0400.


JOSEPH JOHNSTON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC INC Clinic/Center. A facility or distinct part of one used for the diagnosis and treatment of outpatients. "Clinic/Center" is irregularly defined, sometimes being limited to organizations serving specialized treatment requirements or distinct patient/client groups (e.g., radiology, poor, and public health).

Chiropractor Casselberry, Fl -

Johnston Chiropractic is your local Chiropractor in Casselberry serving all of your needs. Call us today at 407-695-0400 for an appointment. Johnston Chiropractic is offering the opportunity to come in, speak with Dr. Johnston, and receive a back or neck treatment on the Spinal Decompression table.

Dr. Joseph L Johnston - Chiropractor in Casselberry, FL

Dr. Joseph L Johnston Joseph L Johnston Chiropractic Clinic. 1230 Seminola Blvd Casselberry FL 32707-3523 Phone: 407-695-0400. Education.

Chiropractor Casselberry, Fl -

Johnston Chiropractic is your local Chiropractor in Casselberry serving all of your needs. Call us today at 407-695-0400 for an appointment. Food & Drink deals in Orlando, FL: 50 to 90% off deals in Orlando.

Chiropractor Casselberry, Fl -

Johnston Chiropractic is your local Chiropractor in Casselberry serving all of your needs. Call us today at 407-695-0400 for an appointment. Johnston Chiropractic is offering the opportunity to come in, speak with Dr. Johnston, and receive a back or neck treatment on the Spinal Decompression table.

Johnston Chiropractic Health Center ... Johnston, Cleveland ...

Industry: Chiropractor's Office Management Consulting Services Doing business as: Johnston Chiropractic Health Center, Inc Johnston Chiropractic Health. Registration: Dec 23, 1991

DR. JOSEPH L JOHNSTON D.C., NPI 1710054341 - Chiropractor in ...

joseph l johnston d.c. 1230 seminola blvd casselberry, fl zip 32707 phone: (407) 695-0400 fax: (407) 695-0083 Additional Identifiers Additional identifier(s) currently or formerly used as an identifier for the provider.