(August 31, 2023, 3:47 pm)
I found CRC while searching for some help for my teen daughter. I chose to seek help from Jamie Goodwin and cannot say enough wonderful things about her, and CRC. EVERY single person I've encountered here has been AMAZING (even over phone), but Jamie has been the absolute best helping me help my teenager that suffers from anxiety and panic attacks, and what I feared was verging towards depression. She has become so much more confident and is able to help herself control the emotions when they strike thanks to Jamie & the tools she has taught her and given her. She really does CARE, and even reaches out by text when when she knows we have a "big moment" coming to offer words of encouragement for her. It shows how much she really cares and thinks about her clients not just when in the office (or via video session which is great too, when needed) She has been a true life saver and I am so grateful to have found her and CRC.