Category: | Car repair, |
Address: | 2802 Ward Lake Rd, Ellenwood, GA 30294, USA |
Postal code: | 30294 |
Phone: | (404) 244-9004 |
Good people great service
Very good tech's & customer service
Got me in and out. Informative with good pricing. I got my mechanic.
Great service at a very reasonable price. Saved me hundreds of dollars over the manufacture. My grandfather used them and so did my father, now I am the 3rd generation that uses their services.
Eddie's Auto Services - 2802 Ward Lake Road Ellenwood, Georgia 30294, (404) 244-9004
Eddie's Auto Services Address: 2802 Ward Lake Road, Ellenwood, GA 30294, United States Phone: +1 404-244-9004
Eddie's Auto Services ... +1 404-244-9004. Milo's Upholstery & Seating 2802 Ward Lake Road Ste D, Ellenwood, GA 30294 +1 404-241-2079. 1800 Radiator Express Ellenwood, GA 30294 +1 404-366-7121. Transmission Parts Unlimited 4788 Georgia 42, Ellenwood, GA 30294 +1 404-366-1455.
On this page, companies from the city of Ellenwood and the Car repair category are listed. Current list of addresses and phones, reviews. on our website.