Category: | Doctor, Health, |
Address: | 675 Varsity Drive, Elgin, IL 60120, Elgin, IL 60120, USA |
Postal code: | 60120 |
Phone: | (847) 741-2600 |
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Phone: (847) 741-2600 MS. Courtney Jahn, CRADC is a healthcare provider in Elgin, IL. MS. Courtney Jahn, CRADC NPI is 1598882854 . The provider is registered as an individual entity type.
Ms. Courtney Jahn CRADC is a female health care provider with Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) ... 847-741-2600 847-741-3248. Map and Directions. Ratings and Reviews.
The 1598882854 NPI number is assigned to the healthcare provider "MS. COURTNEY JAHN CRADC", practice location address at "675 VARSITY DR ELGIN, IL, 60120-8176". NPI record contains FOIA-disclosable NPPES health care provider information.
COURTNEY JAHN, CRADC - NPI #1598882854 Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) Profile for COURTNEY JAHN in ELGIN, IL.
(847) 741-2600. Claim This Profile. Are you with Bhs Elgin Facility? ... Courtney Jahn, CRADC Addiction / Substance Abuse Counselor . 675 Varsity Dr Elgin, IL 60120
COURTNEY JAHN's specialty is listed as Addiction (Substance Use Disorder). The practice business address for this provider is in the wonderful city of ELGIN, in the state of IL. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 675 VARSITY DR . The providers telephone number is (847)-741-2600 .
timothy john mccarthy cadc 1181 logan ave elgin, il zip 60120 phone: (847) 841-8687 Other Providers at the same location The following 8 providers are registered at the same or nearby location.
Ms. Courtney Jahn CRADC ... 675 Varsity Drive - Elgin, IL 60120 - (847) 741-2600. Fred Lee 15241 675 Varsity Drive - Elgin, IL 60120 - (847) 741-2600. Luanne Maniacek
You can also contact him via phone number (847) 741-2600. Practice location address. 675 Varsity Drive; Elgin, Illinois 60120 ... MS. COURTNEY JAHN CRADC, 1598882854