FedEx Freight

(5 Reviews)
3883 Butterfield Rd, Aurora, IL 60502, USA

(800) 332-7453

Contact and Address

Category: Moving company,
Address: 3883 Butterfield Rd, Aurora, IL 60502, USA
Postal code: 60502
Phone: (800) 332-7453


Monday:8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday:8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday:8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday:8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday:8:00 AM – 6:00 PM

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Most Recent Reviews

  • (July 15, 2018, 9:20 pm)

    Not a public place.

  • (May 7, 2018, 1:57 pm)


  • (January 14, 2018, 1:08 am)

    Best freight service

  • (May 3, 2017, 12:29 am)

    1:20 live load , not to bad

  • (December 8, 2016, 8:54 am)

    It is FedEx

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Photos of FedEx Freight

FedEx Freight | 3883 Butterfield Rd, Aurora, IL 60502, USA | Phone: (800) 332-7453
FedEx Freight | 3883 Butterfield Rd, Aurora, IL 60502, USA | Phone: (800) 332-7453
FedEx Freight | 3883 Butterfield Rd, Aurora, IL 60502, USA | Phone: (800) 332-7453

FedEx Freight On the Web

FedEx Contact Information

U.S. FedEx Express Freight Services (shipments over 150 lbs.) 1.800.332.0807. FedEx Customer Relations 3875 Airways, Module H3 Department 4634 Memphis, TN 38116. FedEx Freight Headquarters. Renaissance Center 1715 Aaron Brenner Drive Suite 600 Memphis, TN 38120.

FedEx Freight 3883 Butterfield Rd Aurora, IL... - MapQuest

(800) 332-7453. FedEx Freight is a subsidiary of the FedEx Corporation which, through its subsidiaries, provides transportation, e-commerce, and business and information services worldwide.

FedEX Corporate Office Headquarters & Customer Service Info

+1-800-463-3339 (Customer Relations). FedEx Headquarters Switchboard Hours: Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m FedEx Freight Headquarters Address. Renaissance Center 1715 Aaron Brenner Drive Suite 600. 1.800.332.0807. FedEx Freight Customer Support U.S. 1.866.393.4585.

Fedex Freight tracking - trackingmore

Fedex Freight tracking, you can track your Fedex Freight shipment(including LTL Freight shipment) in Provide Fedex Freight tracking api for e-commerce developers to get real time Fedex Freight tracking info. Give customers access to track Fedex Freight parcels right at shopping...

FedEx International Customer Service Number 1-800-247-4747

FedEx International Customer Service Phone Numbers. Cargo Claims Inquiries 1-800-332-0807. FedEx U.S. Billing Inquiries 1-800-622-1147. Thank you very much for calling FedEx Freight International Customer Service. Please listen carefully because some options have recently changed.

FedEx Freight Tracking @ Packagetrackr

Track all your FedEx Freight shipments on Packagetrackr, you will get real-time tracking information and visualized delivery path with the Google Maps of all your FedEx Freight packages. Just simply enter your FedEx Freight tracking number above.

FedEx Headquarters | Corporate Office Address, Numbers, Complaints

FedEx Corp. Revenue Services 3965 Airways, Module G Memphis, TN 38116 Phone Number: 1-800-622-1147 Fax: 1-800-548-3020. FedEx Freight Headquarters Address. Renaissance Center 1715 Aaron Brenner Drive Suite 600.

FedEx Tracking Live- FedEx Express Freight Office Ground Kinkos

Find FedEx Tracking, Fedex Near Me,FedEx Freight Tracking. FedEx Denmark Call: 70 233 332Email: [email protected]. FedEx Germany Call: 01806 111 800 (20 cents per minute from a German landline.

FedEx Local Contact Information Archives • Couriers "R" Us

Answer: Yes FedEx Freight ® delivers heavy freight items from 150lb International to over 130 countries and same day delivery in the Fedex Tracking - U.S.A Contact Phone Numbers Below FedEx Express - 1 800 GoFedEx 1 800 463 3339 Express Freight - PH: 1 800 332 0807 Ground - 1...

FedEx Freight Tracking - AfterShip

Track FedEx Freight shipments. +1 800.463.3339. Designed for developers to integrate FedEx Freight tracking functionality easily. View API docs.