(August 3, 2023, 2:20 pm)
I’m not sure why I haven’t posted a review sooner, and I feel bad for that because this is by far the most pleasant experience I’ve had with a long term care provider, especially one centered in dentistry. I hope anyone reading this review trusts this stranger on the internet and goes in to see Dr. Miller and his amazing team. They are excellent with communication, very flexible with scheduling, and unbelievably understanding with financing. They care about what they do, and that shows in the way they speak to their patients and go above and beyond to help them. The work they do is top notch, and they will make your teeth look amazing - all without shaming you for not always wearing the rubber bands for your braces, or your retainer post care. They invest in your life and treatment plan in a real way.
I’ve been going to this office for somewhere around 5-6 years now, and I’ve never had a bad experience. They’ve never been rude to me, or tried to charge me more than what I owed. They have never been shady, but instead have upheld a level of integrity in their work, and business ethics, that is unparalleled. They are human beings that act as that, and recognize patients as that. We are not just wallets to them. I cannot recommend Dr. Miller’s office enough. They are worth your time and money, 100%.