Category: | Health, |
Address: | 5407 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21210, Baltimore, MD 21212, USA |
Postal code: | 21212 |
Phone: | (410) 433-8861 |
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JOHN J MICHALCZYK, MA - NPI #1902858749 Professional. Profile for JOHN J MICHALCZYK in BALTIMORE, MD. Share Tweet Reviews ... 410-433-8861 Fax: 410-433-1249
John J. Michalczyk MA is a male counselor in Baltimore, MD. John J. Michalczyk MA is a male counselor in Baltimore, MD. ... (410) 433-8861 (410) 433-1249
The 1902858749 NPI number is assigned to the healthcare provider "JOHN J MICHALCZYK MA", practice location address at "5407 N CHARLES STREET BALTIMORE, MD, 21210-2024". NPI record contains FOIA-disclosable NPPES health care provider information.
John J Michalczyk, MA NPI is 1902858749. The provider is registered as an individual entity type. The NPPES NPI record indicates the provider is a male. The provider's business location address is: 5407 N CHARLES STREET BALTIMORE, MD ZIP 21210-024 Phone: (410) 433-8861 Fax: (410) 433-1249
judith morawa venable lcpc 5407 n charles street baltimore, md zip 21210 phone: (410) 433-8861 fax: (410) 433-1249 Additional Identifiers Additional identifier(s) currently or formerly used as an identifier for the provider.
NPI Data Dissemination. Special Note for Health Care Providers. In September 2007, CMS began disclosing NPPES health care provider data that are disclosable under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the public. The FOIA-disclosable data for a health care provider (individual or organization ...
ms. yan-hua li lcpc 5407 n charles street baltimore, md zip 21210 phone: (410) 433-8861 fax: (410) 433-1249 Additional Identifiers Additional identifier(s) currently or formerly used as an identifier for the provider.