Victory Villa Elementary School

(4 Reviews)
500 Compass Rd E, Baltimore, MD 21220, USA

(443) 809-0184

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Category: School,
Address: 500 Compass Rd E, Baltimore, MD 21220, USA
Postal code: 21220
Phone: (443) 809-0184

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Most Recent Reviews

  • (May 6, 2018, 2:52 am)

    Awesom school

  • (November 2, 2017, 6:46 pm)

    I am a student it is the greatest

  • (February 21, 2016, 11:54 pm)

    Its a very good school im a kid and i went there

  • (June 3, 2015, 8:57 am)

    very excited about this school... my son is just finishing preK, but very impressed with the teachers in preK and the support staff that have worked with my son this year. the PTA is very active, lots of activities. all of the staff have been very accessible, responsive and communicative.

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Victory Villa Elementary School On the Web

Victory Villa Elementary School - בולטימור - (443) 809-0184

Victory Villa Elementary Schoolעובד בתי ספר יסודיים ותיכונים, השכלה תיכונית, השכלה פעילויות. תוכל ליצור קשר עם החברה במס' (443) 809-0184. תוכל למצוא מידע נוסף Victory Villa Elementary School ב-

Victory Villa Elementary School Profile (2020-21) | Middle River, MD

Victory Villa Elementary School in Middle River, Maryland serves 413 students in grades Prekindergarten-5. View their 2020-21 profile to find Victory Villa Elementary School placed in the bottom 50% of all schools in Maryland for overall test scores (math proficiency is bottom 50%, and...

Victory Villa Elementary School - Middle River... | GreatSchools

Find Victory Villa Elementary School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. Victory Villa Elementary School. Unclaimed. 500 Compass Road East, Middle River, MD 21220. Baltimore County Public Schools. (410) 887-0184. School website. Contact info.

Victory Villa Elementary School - Baltimore, MD 21220

Victory Villa Elementary School is located in Baltimore, MD. Homefacts gives Victory Villa Elementary School an overall grade of C- for its combined test scores in Math, Language Arts, and Science when statewide results available.

Victory Villa Elementary School in Baltimore, MD 21220

Detailed school profile about Victory Villa Elementary School in Baltimore, Maryland. View school contacts, ratings, reviews, test scores, student to teacher ratios and much more... Victory Villa Elementary School. 500 Compass Rd, Baltimore, MD 21220 | (410) 887-0184. Grades: PK-5.

Victory Villa Elementary School in Middle River, MD -

Victory Villa Elementary School - find test scores, ratings, reviews, and 25 nearby homes for sale at My son will enter Middle School this September but I have to say that we have had the greatest experience for the past 6 years at Victory Villa Elementary School.

Victory Villa Elementary School in Middle River, MD - Niche

Victory Villa Elementary School is an above average, public school located in Baltimore, MD. It has 413 students in grades PK, K-5 with a student-teacher ratio of 16 to 1. According to state test scores, 35% of students are at least proficient in math and 31% in reading.

Victory Villa Elementary School - Prywatne Szkolnictwo Podstawowe...

Victory Villa Elementary School - Middle River,MD. Victory Villa Elementary School. 500 Compass Rd 21220 Middle River Baltimore County - Maryland - USAWyświetl telefon. 443 809 0184410 391 8594.

Victory Villa Elementary School - Find Alumni... - Classmates

Find 80 alumni members from Victory Villa Elementary School in Baltimore, MD. Sign up to reconnect with your friends and fellow graduates for free.

Victory Villa Elementary School Map - Baltimore County... - Mapcarta

Victory Villa Elementary School is situated in Victory Villa. From Mapcarta, the free map. Kenwood High School is situated 2 km south of Victory Villa Elementary School. Photo: Wallstreethotrod, Public domain.