Category: | Health, |
Address: | 6 Delford Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20904, Colesville, MD 20904, USA |
Postal code: | 20904 |
Phone: | (301) 776-9492 |
Website: | |
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myra b weinstein msw 6 delford ave silver spring, md zip 20904 phone: (301) 776-9492 fax: (301) 625-0864 Other Providers at the same location The following provider is registered at the same or nearby location.
Myra B Weinstein, MSW NPI is 1023172400. The provider is registered as an individual entity type. The NPPES NPI record indicates the provider is a female. The provider's business location address is: 6 DELFORD AVE SILVER SPRING, MD ZIP 20904-401 Phone: (301) 776-9492 Fax: (301) 625-0864
Myra B Weinstein MSW specializes in Professional. She is practising at 6 Delford Ave, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904. You can also contact him via phone number (301) 776-9492.
MYRA B WEINSTEIN, MSW - NPI #1023172400 Mental Health. Profile for MYRA B WEINSTEIN in SILVER SPRING, MD.
This webpage represents 1023172400 NPI record. The 1023172400 NPI number is assigned to the healthcare provider "MYRA B WEINSTEIN MSW", practice location address at "6 DELFORD AVE SILVER SPRING, MD, 20904-3401".
MYRA B WEINSTEIN MSW Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers Counselor Professional ... Tel: 301-776-9492 Fax: 301-625-0864. Business Mailing Address:
Counselor in Silver Spring Maryland Home > State Directory > Maryland > Silver Spring > Counselor There are 196 Counselor providers with a NPI number registered in Silver Spring Maryland.
(301) 776-9492 193200000X MULTI-SPECIALTY GROUP - This provider is a business group of one or more individual practitioners, who practice with different areas of specialization. Other Providers at the same location
Please use this page to find 'professional' helthcare professionals in Silver Spring, MD. Feel free to provide your feedback. ... 1023172400 — MYRA B WEINSTEIN MSW ...
(301) 622-3076 St. John the Baptist Catholic School in Silver Spring, MD is a Blue Ribbon elementary school with kindergarten through eighth grades. Our families are attracted to our school because we are committed to providing our students with a safe, caring environment with excellent academic programs within the framework of the Catholic Church.