Category: | Health, |
Address: | Norfolk, MA 02056, USA |
Postal code: | 02056 |
Phone: | (508) 528-5292 |
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Mary A Nuhibian, OT is a Occupational Therapist based in Norfolk, Massachusetts. Mary A Nuhibian is licensed to practice in Massachusetts (license number 7411) and her current practice location is 3 Knoll Dr, Norfolk, Massachusetts. She can be reached at her office (for appointments etc.) via phone at (508) 528-5292.
mary a nuhibian ot 3 knoll dr norfolk, ma zip 02056 phone: (508) 528-5292 Additional Identifiers Additional identifier(s) currently or formerly used as an identifier for the provider.
Phone: (508) 528-5292 Mary A Nuhibian, OT is a healthcare provider in Norfolk, MA.The provider is an occupational therapist is a person who has graduated from an ...
MARY A NUHIBIAN, OT - NPI #1609099092 Occupational Therapist. Profile for MARY A NUHIBIAN in NORFOLK, MA.. An occupational therapist is a person who has graduated from an entry-level occupational therapy program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) or predecessor organizations, or approved by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT ...
Mary A. Nuhibian OT is a female occupational therapist in Norfolk, MA. She is licensed to practice by the state board in Massachusetts (7411).
Occupational Therapist in Norfolk, Massachusetts. Full details of health providers NPPES records in Norfolk , Massachusetts.
MARY A NUHIBIAN OT has a specialty listed as Occupational Therapist. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of NORFOLK, in the state of MA. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 3 KNOLL DR . The providers telephone number is (508)-528-5292 . Read More...
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Mary A Nuhibian, OT is a Occupational Therapist specialty provider based out of Norfolk, Massachusetts. The NPI number for Mary A Nuhibian, OT is 1609099092.Based on a NPI lookup from the NPI registry (NPPES), this provider holds a license number 7411 (Massachusetts).
Providers, practices, laboratories, hospitals and other medical organizations in Norfolk, MA. Find address, phone, fax, send HIPAA-compliant messages, place orders, get results and securely share medical information.