(October 18, 2022, 8:24 am)
This place has just about everything you need from the basic hair needs like combs and brushes to the different types of hair for wig making along with various styles of wigs and all the wig extras like wig grips, caps, and bands. They also have a large array of fashionable lashes, all lengths. They have my favorite size xs. And they offer non latex glue as well. They have a very small clothing section though, which to me is good cuz sometimes that just be too much stuff in a store, not enough room to move around. They have a loyalty card program, which is good. I just be forgetting my card.
There are a couple of things that I don't like however. I have looked for stuff that they don't have like the new dye paste. The kind that you put in your hair that is non toxic, non staining, and can last up to 2 days and washes out without damaging your hair, and they don't have the purple shampoo that you need to correct your permanent, semi permanent dye job. Another thing I don't like is sometimes it's hard to understand them due to the language. I've tried to explain what I need but they don't understand what I'm asking for.
They DO NOT HAVE ANYONE to make wigs, or do lashes, just FYI. But I will ask go here due to its location and they have always been nice to me