Student Outreach Clinic

(1 Reviews)
123 17th Street, E Stadium Way, Reno, NV 89557, USA

(775) 682-8646

Contact and Address

Category: Health,
Address: 123 17th Street, E Stadium Way, Reno, NV 89557, USA
Postal code: 89557
Phone: (775) 682-8646

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Most Recent Reviews

  • (June 19, 2016, 4:49 am)

    This is a free clinic. It is open occasionally. Visit the website and plan ahead. They can't always take everyone.

    However .. if you get in... they will see you for free. They are great and I think this sort of service is a huge social contribution. The people working(volunteering) care and want to make things better.

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Student Outreach Clinic On the Web

Student Outreach Clinic

Student Outreach Clinic. Preceptor Spotlight. Meet our amazing community physician, Dr. Dieringer! The Student Outreach Clinic at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine is dedicated to providing free, quality Clinics/Patients (775) 784-1223 Administrative (775) 784-6063.

Contact the SOC: Student Outreach Clinic: University of Nevada...

Student Outreach Clinic. Phone: (775) 682-8646. Email: Family Medicine Center (FMC). Student Outreach Clinic Contact Information and Maps. Phone (775) 682-8646.

Where to Get Vaccinated | Immunize Nevada

University of N evada School of Medicine Student Outreach Clinic * (775) 682-8646 Edna S. Brigham Clinical Education Building at UNR 123 17th Street, Reno, NV 89512. UNR Student Health Center (serves enrolled UNR students) Nell J Redfield Building 2nd floor (775) 784-6598.

Student Outreach Clinic | Indianapolis | IU School of Medicine

The Indiana University Student Outreach Clinic is a free, student-run clinic that provides primary care-based medical, dental, social and legal services for the uninsured and underserved in the Indianapolis community. Led by IU School of Medicine...

University Of Nevada School Of Medicine Student Outreach Clinic

Contact Phone: (775) 682-8646. Clinic Details: The Student Outreach Clinic is for any community member who is uninsured or underinsured and could not otherwise afford medical attention or preventative health care. There are five clinic categories offered: a comprehensive/general clinic...

About the Student Outreach Clinic: Student Outreach Clinic...

The UNR Med Student Outreach Clinic provides free medical care for uninsured and underinsured patients of northern Nevada. For a schedule of upcoming clinics or more information visit our website at: or call us at (775) 682-8646. Who does the clinic serve?

Volunteer: Student Outreach Clinic: University of Nevada, Reno...

The UNR Med Student Outreach Clinic provides free medical care for the uninsured and underinsured patients of northern Nevada. The clinic is run by UNR Med students under the guidance of licensed physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners.

Upcoming Clinics: Student Outreach Clinic: University of Nevada...

Student Outreach Clinic. Main Page All Upcoming by Month Calendar View Search. University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine 1664 North Virginia Street Reno, NV 89557-0357. Clinics/Patients (775) 784-1223 Administrative (775) 784-6063.

Indiana University Student Outreach Clinic, Indianapolis Free Clinic

Clinic Details: The Indiana University Student Outreach Clinic is a free, student-run clinic that provides primary care-based medical, dental, social and legal services for the uninsured and underserved in the Indianapolis community.

General and Pediatric Clinics: Student Outreach Clinic: University of...

Student Outreach Clinic. Next: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 • 6-9 p.m. The Comprehensive/General Clinic provides general medical care University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine 1664 North Virginia Street Reno, NV 89557-0357. Clinics/Patients (775) 784-1223 Administrative (775) 784-6063.