Category: | Doctor, Health, |
Address: | 544 Oak Ridge Road, Clark, NJ 07066, Clark, NJ 07066, USA |
Postal code: | 07066 |
Phone: | (732) 669-1572 |
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MS. SHARI C. LITTMAN LCSW has a specialty listed as Clinical Social Worker. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of CLARK, in the state of NJ. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 544 OAK RIDGE RD . The providers telephone number is (732)-669-1572 . Read More...
Shari C. Littman LCSW specializes in Clinical. She is practising at 544 Oak Ridge Rd, Clark, New Jersey 07066. You can also contact him via phone number (732) 669-1572.
Ms Shari C Littman, LCSW is a Social Worker - Clinical based in Clark, New Jersey. Ms Shari C Littman is licensed to practice in New Jersey (license number 44SC00302100) and her current practice location is 544 Oak Ridge Rd, Clark, New Jersey. She can be reached at her office (for appointments etc.) via phone at (732) 669-1572.
MS. Shari C. Littman, LCSW NPI is 1104087568. The provider is registered as an individual entity type. The NPPES NPI record indicates the provider is a female. The provider's business location address is: 544 OAK RIDGE RD CLARK, NJ ZIP 07066-124 Phone: (732) 669-1572 Fax: (732) 669-1572
SHARI C LITTMAN, LCSW - NPI #1104087568 Clinical. Profile for SHARI C LITTMAN in CLARK, NJ. A social worker who holds a master?s or doctoral degree in social work from an accredited school of social work in addition to at least two years of post-master?s supervised experience in a clinical setting.
SHARI C. LITTMAN's specialty is listed as Clinical Social Worker. The practice business address for this provider is in the wonderful city of CLARK, in the state of NJ. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 544 OAK RIDGE RD . The providers telephone number is (732)-669-1572 .
Social Worker in Clark, New Jersey. Full details of health providers NPPES records in Clark , New Jersey.
You can reach out to her office (for appointments etc.) via phone at (732) 381-1600. Ms Maureen Wiese-waibel is licensed to practice in New Jersey (license number 44SC04746700) and she also participates in the medicare program.
1104087568 - MS. MS. SHARI C. LITTMAN LCSW Other Name: Mailing Address: 544 OAK RIDGE RD CLARK NJ 07066-2124 Phone: 732-669-1572; Fax: 732-669-1572; Practice Location Address: 544 OAK RIDGE RD, , CLARK, NJ, 07066-2124 Practice Phone: 732-669-1572; Practice Fax: 732-669-1572