(March 20, 2018, 7:44 am)
I had a rough path in my high school years.
I thought teenage life was only to have fun and live the fast life, until i dropped out of school, i couldnt keep a stable job, depression kicked in i felt like every which way i went i was failing, i lost my faith.
I am a stay at home mother, and was searching for cheap price to get my diploma, i couldnt find one. it was either to high priced, or was a scam/fake advertisement. Also, i was in a learning disability class as well. I am a hands on learner, not visual. So that was another reason i felt i was failing.
So when this opportunity was mentioned to me. I was the happiest woman. I was getting my diploma. Leaving the failure behind me. Gainning my faith, and overcoming obstacles i couldnt do in high school.
And I thank Andrew and Sandy for this great opportunity. They are such blessings.
Because of this program, I am walking across the stage receiving my Diploma class of 2018.
Thank you again!