(3 Reviews)
3304 W 61st St, Tulsa, OK 74132, USA

(918) 446-7620

Contact and Address

Category: Convenience store, Store,
Address: 3304 W 61st St, Tulsa, OK 74132, USA
Postal code: 74132
Phone: (918) 446-7620

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Most Recent Reviews

  • (March 22, 2019, 10:25 am)

    Frequently stop here for last 21 years and counting. Owner is a great guy as well as the employees. Small town feel but in Tulsa . Years and years ago use to butcher and sell own meat along entire back end wall in refrigerated sections like at super markets . Sadly that has not been the case for prob almost 20 years now. BUT they do however still serve amazing cold cuts sandwiches mainly during lunch time and they are terrific . This little corner store doesn’t look like much from the outside and is easy to drive right on by but the ol cliche rings true in its case “ looks can be deceiving “ “ it’s what’s on the inside that matters”

  • (February 21, 2019, 4:13 am)

    Great place , Good Deli

  • (January 30, 2019, 3:14 pm)

    I come here all the time. The workers are just amazing.

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S AND S MARKET 3304 W 61st St Tulsa, OK Gas Stations - MapQuest

Get directions, reviews and information for S AND S MARKET in Tulsa, OK. (918) 446-7620.

S AND S MARKET Tulsa phone, address and location information

S AND S MARKET is located in Tulsa city of Oklahoma state. On the street of West 61st Street and street number is 3304. To communicate or ask something with the place, the Phone number is (918) 446-7620 if you don't know how to go S AND S MARKET click here.

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S AND S MARKET INC. :: California (US) :: OpenCorporates

Free and open company data on California (US) company S AND S MARKET INC. (company number C2474592), 8548 TAMPA AVE, NORTHRIDGE, CA 91324.

S & S MARKET, INCORPORATED :: Kentucky (US) :: OpenCorporates

Free and open company data on Kentucky (US) company S & S MARKET, INCORPORATED (company number 0148553). * While we strive to keep this information correct and up-to-date, it is not the primary source, and the company registry (see source, above) should always be referred to for...

S AND S MARKET ENTERPRISES, LLC, 3848423 | Ohio-register.com

Legal entity S AND S MARKET ENTERPRISES, LLC is a business company registered in the Register of State Ohio with the Entity Number 3848423 under the legal form of DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY.

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