Category: | Health, |
Address: | 2701 Pelican Way, Blanchard, OK 73010, USA |
Postal code: | 73010 |
Phone: | (405) 326-9303 |
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Maria L Plata is a Blanchard, Oklahoma based psychologist who is specialized in Psychology. Her current practice location is 2701 Pelican Way, Blanchard.Patients can reach her at 405-326-9303.Maria L Plata is M.ED, LPC, NCC in Psychology and her NPI number (Unique professional ID assigned by NPPES) is 1477728566.
Maria L Plata, MED, LPC, NCC is a Counselor - Professional based in Blanchard, Oklahoma. Maria L Plata is licensed to practice in Oklahoma (license number 2594) and her current practice location is 2701 Pelican Way, Blanchard, Oklahoma.She can be reached at her office (for appointments etc.) via phone at (405) 326-9303. NPI number for Maria L Plata is 1477728566 and her current mailing address ...
Maria L. Plata, MEd, LPC, NCC has been registered with the National Provider Identifier database since April 29, 2008, and her NPI number is 1477728566. Book an Appointment To schedule an appointment with Ms. Maria L. Plata, please call (405) 326-9303.
Mp Enterprises, Inc - Community / Behavioral Health Agency in Blanchard, OK at 2701 Pelican Way - ☎ (405) 326-9303 - Book Appointments. Find a Doctor About Vitadox Join Vitadox Primary Care Doctors in Blanchard, OK. Mp Enterprises, Inc Community / Behavioral Health Agency ... Maria L. Plata, MEd, LPC, NCC