Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc

(3 Reviews)
805 Estelle Dr # 101, Lancaster, PA 17601, USA

(717) 537-4140

Contact and Address

Category: Clothing store, Store, Post office, Local government office,
Address: 805 Estelle Dr # 101, Lancaster, PA 17601, USA
Postal code: 17601
Phone: (717) 537-4140

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Most Recent Reviews

  • (December 22, 2020, 2:03 pm)

    Great place to apply for passports! No line and they work quick. Great customer service. Highly recommend.

  • (October 9, 2020, 3:59 am)

    The ladies here are very professional and kind.

  • (April 3, 2017, 11:49 pm)

    Nice people great customer service

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Photos of Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc

Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc | 805 Estelle Dr # 101, Lancaster, PA 17601, USA | Phone: (717) 537-4140

Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc On the Web

Kahn lucas lancaster inc v. lark international ltd

KAHN LUCAS LANCASTER, INC., Plaintiff-Appellee, v. LARK INTERNATIONAL LTD., Defendant-Appellant. Kahn Lucas and Lark enjoyed a business relationship which began in 1988 and pursuant to which Lark would assist Kahn Lucas in arranging for overseas manufacturers to make garments...

Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, PA

Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc, located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is at Estelle Drive 805. You can look at the address on the map. You can see how to get to Kahn You can use the phone number +1 717-537-4140 to contact the company. Alternatively you can use the www.kahnlucas.com web address.

Kahn Lucas Lancaster Careers & Jobs - Zippia

How much does Kahn Lucas Lancaster pay? The national average salary for a Kahn Lucas Lancaster employee in the United States is You can find out what it is like to work at Kahn Lucas Lancaster, also known as Kahn Lucas, Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc and Kahn Lucas-Lancaster Inc.

Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc - Company Profile... - Bloomberg Markets

Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc. operates in the retail industry. The Company provides retail services in textiles for children's clothing in their online store or in store at their outlets. Kahn Lucas Lancaster serves customers in the United States.

Howard Kahn, Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc. | IDB Stories: PROFILES...

Howard Kahn at Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc. Manhattan, New York. Then he followed what can only be described as a traditional apprenticeship, at first spending a few years in the factory learning about operations and how to sew, then going to New York where he learned how to sell, and then on trips...

Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc., 112 West 34th Street, New... — Panjiva

See Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc.'s products and suppliers. Thousands of companies like you use Panjiva to research suppliers and competitors. 2018-05-07. Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc. Mol Consolidation Service Ltd. Garments and wearing apparel girl's garment s C#: 17280 .

Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc. Import Data And Contact

Kahn Lucas Lancaster Inc. is united states Buyer, We provide Market Analysis, Trading Partners, Peers, Port Statistics, B/Ls, Contacts(including Contact This picture is the market trend analysis of kahn lucas lancaster inc. about a near year and we can learn this company's procurement cycle and...

List of Electors

Kahn co. inc. employee medical trust. Kahn lucas lancaster inc. 005. A. A. Lancaster. Pa. Jennifer richardson.

Product listing for KAHN LUCAS LANCASTER INC. - 0021389

Products from KAHN LUCAS LANCASTER INC. such as Girl's Spring/Summer Pantset, short sleeve plum dress.