(October 15, 2022, 12:42 am)
Good morning
An Adventist prophecy announces a terrible calamity for Nashville before a worldwide Sunday law or mark of the beast (Luke 21:11 and Luke 21:25-26).
Several independent Adventist ministries announce that for the world Sunday law (Revelation 13:15-17) there is very little left, the prophecy of (Daniel 11:40) is being fulfilled, with the current Russia, China-Taiwan war; according to prophecy communism has to fall before the papacy rules the world in the United Nations (Revelation 17:18) as the world leader of peace and security (1 Thessalonians 5: 3) shortly after a great crisis in the world and Sunday is established as a solution to the climate crisis, a universal day to give rest to the earth, workers and families, however before these great changes, a great crisis has to occur, there are only a few months left for this to happen, please get out of Nashville.
Very soon the United Nations will meet in emergency and say "peace and security", 1 Thessalonians 5:3, due to the war conflict that will join China against Taiwan, and North Korea with South Korea, please leave, leave Nashville immediately, 3 days of worldwide darkness, thunderstorms and hurricane winds, will engulf the world in the middle of what is going to happen in Nashville see Joel 2:2, Amos 8:9, Amos 5:18.
I recommend a famous Adventist Church best-selling book
"The Great Controversy"
Ellen White famous Adventist writer of the XIX century prophesied how would be the days when we would live in the midst of a world Sunday law, a new world government with a new economic development model under the papacy, there are very few years left for the second coming of Christ (Matthew 24:30), please research the videos and please make your best decision.
My name is Nicolas Valentin Carcamo Rozas
I am writing to you from Chile, city of Chillan