(February 28, 2023, 7:50 pm)
I thank 2 workers working there. I ended up getting my card stuck and asked one of the workers (a shorter man who wore a black mask) if he was able to get it out, which he did, came to find out I locked myself out of my car completely. Walked back in freaked out, and another worker (a baldish old black man) grabbed a metal wire and a doorstopper rubber piece to prop my driver's side door open. After failed attempts to grab my keys, they kept trying and trying despite how long it took, and was able to open my door with no damages. They approached me calmly, respectfully, and made sure to keep a distance without startling me more. I THANK THEM SO SO MUCH, THEY DESERVE A RAISE AND A PAT ON THE BACK. Helped a 18 year old girl who was already having a bad start of the week.THANK YOU!!