(August 21, 2022, 11:36 pm)
4 MD's, in 3 yrs other clinics. Fired them or they fired me. IAM a very disillusioned Nurse, who gave excellent care for 35 yrs. All I ask for from any MD is honestly, humility. And not running a cattle call for increased profits, irritated PT's. And I got no help. Ready to go home forever and take care of myself no Dr was. And then there is Dr Graham. Simply Put. She is a REAL DR. U REMEMBER. LIKE THE ONES WE USE TO HAVE WHO CARE MORE ABOUT YOUR PAIN AND RELIEVING IT. THAN Money or Fame. One of the most humble, caring, listening physicians I have ever known an worked with. When I came in her office it was all about,ME ABD US EVERY TIME. DOESNT LEAVE TILL I UNDERSTAND WHAT IS NEXT. AWESOME, SMART, UNPRETENTIOUS, PEER TO HER PATIENTS. THANK U GOD U MUST HAVE KNOW WHAT WE HAVE BEEN GOING THRU. MY PAIN HAS DROPPED FROM CONSISTENT 5-6 TO NOW 3-ISH. AND SOMETIMES NO PAIN AT ALL. FIRST TIME EVER. DREAM COME TRUE. THANK U DR GRAHAM.