(October 4, 2018, 9:09 pm)
Preamble: I do not work for this company, but this is an anonymous account.
Most of the people commenting on this CLEARLY don’t understand the difference between a song, as it is written, and a song as it is recorded. Even if a song © is in the public domain, a sound recording (p) can be owned and profited off of. It is really hard to get a YouTube channel off the ground, especially with the oversatursation of content, but trying to use unlicensed music and then blaming the company for taking what is rightfully theirs is not the way to do it. The fact that music is “in a game” does not mean it can be used however you want. Just because you know who wrote the national anthem doesn’t make a specific recording of it free to use. Just because you make a YouTube video for your 19 subscribers with what you believe is “original content” doesn’t mean that you are free from obeying other copyright laws.
Also, this may be a little petty, but if you don’t know that it’s spelled “COPYRIGHT” then I have a hard time
believing that you understand the nuance and intricacies of copyRIGHT law