Category: | Doctor, Health, |
Address: | 4500 Hillcrest Rd #115, Frisco, TX 75035, USA |
Postal code: | 75035 |
Phone: | (469) 213-6400 |
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Dr. Farah Ali, MD is a psychiatry specialist in Frisco, TX. Dr. Ali completed a residency at Brookdale Hopsital Medical Center. She currently practices at Frisco Behavioral Health Group LLC. ... (469) 213-6400 Map. Frisco Behavioral Health Group LLC 4500 Hillcrest Rd Ste 115 Frisco, TX 75035. Powered By ©2023 Sharecare, Inc.
Call Dr. Farah Ali on phone number (469) 213-6400 for more information and advice or to book an appointment. 4500 Hillcrest Rd Ste 115, Frisco, TX 75035-5403. (469) 213-6400. See other contact addresses.
Dr Farah Ali Md a provider in 4500 Hillcrest Rd Ste 115 Frisco, Tx 75035. Taxonomy code 2084P0800X with license number R4508 (TX). NPI Lookup; ... (469) 213-6400: 1922411230: DR. FARAH ALI MD Individual: Psychiatry & Neurology (Psychiatry) 4500 HILLCREST RD STE 115 FRISCO, TX 75035 (469) 213-6400: Frequently Asked Questions.
Dr. Farah Ali is a Frisco, Texas based psychiatrist who is specialized in Psychiatry. Her current practice location is 4500 Hillcrest Rd Ste 115, Frisco.Patients can reach her at 469-213-6400.Dr. Farah Ali is MD in Psychiatry and her NPI number (Unique professional ID assigned by NPPES) is 1922411230.
Dr. Farah Ali, MD. Frisco Behavioral Health Group LLC. 4500 Hillcrest Rd Ste 115 Frisco, TX 75035. (469) 213-6400. Call for appointment information. with Dr. Farah Ali, MD. (469) 213-6400.
Dr. Farah Ali, is a Psychiatry specialist practicing in South Amboy, NJ with 25 years of experience. This provider currently accepts 29 insurance plans including Medicare and Medicaid. ... Tel: (469) 213-6400. Visit Website . Accepting New Patients ; Medicaid Accepted ; Mon 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Tue 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Wed 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Thu 8: ...
Dr. Farah Ali at 4500 Hillcrest Rd #115, Frisco, TX 75035. Get Dr. Farah Ali can be contacted at (469) 213-6400. Get Dr. Farah Ali reviews, rating, hours, phone number, directions and more.
1770029977. Provider Name. NORTH DALLAS STANDARD HEALTH, LLC. Location Address. 4500 HILLCREST RD STE 115 FRISCO, TX 75035. Location Phone. (469) 213-6400. Mailing Address.
Dr Farah Ali Md is a mental health clinic (Psychiatry & Neurology - Psychiatry) in Frisco, Texas. The current practice location for Dr Farah Ali Md is 4500 Hillcrest Rd Ste 115, Frisco, Texas. For appointments, you can reach them via phone at (469) 213-6400.The mailing address for Dr Farah Ali Md is 4500 Hillcrest Rd Ste 115, Frisco, Texas and phone number is (469) 213-6400.
(469) 213-6400: 1922411230: DR. FARAH ALI MD Individual: Psychiatry & Neurology (Psychiatry) 4500 HILLCREST RD STE 115 FRISCO, TX 75035 (469) 213-6400: Frequently Asked Questions. What is FRISCO BEHAVIORAL HEALTH GROUP, LLC NPI number? The NPI number assigned to this healthcare provider is 1386133064, registered as an "organization" on May 08 ...