David G. Burnet Elementary School

(1 Reviews)
Dallas, TX 75220, USA

(972) 794-3000

Contact and Address

Category: School,
Address: Dallas, TX 75220, USA
Postal code: 75220
Phone: (972) 794-3000
Website: https://www.dallasisd.org/burnet

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Most Recent Reviews

  • (August 19, 2019, 10:09 am)

    My daughter has loved her school for three grades now, I have as well. I like how involved they are, how they explain things well and try to help and the teachers are nice and fun along with the principal and staff! I'm truly happy in this school. Highly recommend it.

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David G. Burnet Elementary School On the Web

David G. Burnet Elementary School / David G. Burnet Elementary...

Arcadia Park Elementary School. Arlington Park Early Childhood Center. David W. Carter High School. Downtown Montessori at Ida B. Wells Academy. Dr. Barbara Jordan Elementary School.

David G. Burnet Elementary School in Dallas, TX - Niche

David G. Burnet Elementary School is a public school located in Dallas, TX. It has 644 students in grades PK, K-5 with a student-teacher ratio of 17 to 1. According to state test scores, 49% of students are at least proficient in (972) 794-3000. Do You Work at David G. Burnet Elementary School?

David G. Burnet Elementary School - Find Alumni... - Classmates

David G. Burnet Elementary School. 3200 kinkaid dr. dallas, TX 75220. 164 David G. Burnet Elementary School Alumni. Register free to connect ».

David G. Burnet Elementary School, Dallas

David G. Burnet Elementary School is located in Dallas city of Texas state. To communicate or ask something with the place, the Phone number is (972) 794-3000 if you don't know how to go David G. Burnet Elementary School click here.

Burnett, David G | David G. Burnet Elementary School, 3200... | Flickr

Phone: (972) 794-3000. David G. Burnet was the first temporary president of the Republic of Texas. He also served as secretary of state and vice president after Texas won independence from Mexico. He is remembered as an early politician of Texas.

David G. Burnet Elementary School - Houston, Texas

David G. Burnet Elementary School Burnet opened its doors in 1926. The community became so populated that in 1985-86 a new facility was added to Burnet Elementary. The school got its name because it was very common to name schools after Presidents of Texas.

Fathom Realty | Dallas, TX Schools

Preschool Elementary School Middle School High School. David G. Burnet Elementary School. 972-794-3000. Public.

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David G. Burnet Elementary School April 15, 2016 To the Burnet

David G. Burnet Elementary School Houston ISD Ana Cantu, Principal 5403 Canal St Ÿ Houston, TX 77011 Ÿ Phone: 713-924-1780 Ÿ Fax: 713-924-1783 April This means some of the school's current students will be joining our campus next year, as well as neighboring Lantrip elementary school.

PDF 042016_lantrip_letter.pdf | David G. Burnet Elementary School

David G. Burnet Elementary School. Houston ISD Ana Cantu, Principal 5403 Canal St Ÿ Houston, TX 77011 Ÿ Phone: 713-924-1780 Ÿ Fax: 713-924-1783. As you may already know, on Thursday the HISD Board of Education approved changes to the nearby Rusk School that will also transform our...