(March 26, 2019, 1:03 am)
I have always loved this place. I visited this park countless times again and again over the course of 10+ years and have brought many family, friends, and girlfriends to walk the environmental landscape that this place has still sustained throughout time. Whether it be feeding the ducks at the pond with slices of bread, walking over the bridges and down the paths in thought, or down the railroad tracks no matter the time of day this had always been a haven of sorts to me and I just cant wait until spring fully comes around so that I can bring my significant other to see all of the ducks tha flock here and all of the different flowers that bloom all over the places. Overall his place will probably forever have my 5star rating. The only thing I wish for is if the community in which it resides in were to come together to upkeep the property to its fullest potential because it is definitely a major tourist attraction if anything for our small little, but growing town if Whitewright.