(August 9, 2023, 2:36 pm)
I could never get anyone on the phone. And I had some serious issues with not being able to fill out the forms due to a brain injury. I knew they would provide assistance, but could never get anyone on the phone. I finally spoke to my Medicare Advange plan rep, and she suggested I go in. She said they aren't staffed to take calls so no one ever answers. She even has a direct number & no one answered. So she said I should just go down there. Said that everyone she sends down there gets results THAT DAY. Not having a car, that's easier said than done. But I finally got help, and all my paperwork has been corrected & re-filed. The lady there was very helpful & thorough. It took a while, but she managed to get it all done. I was very pleased. AND A BONUS: NO WAIT!