(October 18, 2018, 11:21 am)
These guys are the best. Their service is fabulous and they really bend over backward for those of us in the trades.
The reviews from the "Joe HomeOwners" being frustrated that they cannot buy wholesale as if they are in the fencing business are not to be taken seriously, as they apparently do not understand what it means to be in business and have wholesalers that help you protect your repeated business interests and purchasing power.
Wholesalers are simply not set up to be able to provide a level of service to those outside of the trades who would like to stop in, ask many questions and buy just a few things. That is what the Big Box stores are for - they are "convenience" lumber and supply companies and cater to homeowners and their own individual needs, questions, etc. Hence the higher prices at the Lowe's, Home Depots, etc.
Jamieson does a great job making sure fencing pros can regularly get large volumes of supplies in a consistent and timely manner. As in, they load specially designed trailers many, many times a day with efficiency. It would be business suicide for them to start wrangling with those who would just want a single post or two, advice on the best way to build a gate, etc. It may frustrate you if that's what you need but they are set up tis way for a reason.