(December 2, 2018, 10:54 am)
Lori was fabulous to work with. ❤
My father was preparing his end of life, after a long fight with bone cancer. She made my parents feel that the more details they were to give her, the better she can share when they were gone. They spent hours with her and even after, my parents couldnt stop talking about her and her interest in them.
My father has recently passed. It was very difficult! You can never prepare even watching them deteriorate right in front of you, day after day or week after week. The last week took its toll on him and his appearance. Lori asked for some pictures to help her. She did a fabulous job! It was my dad again laying there. Her attention to detail was remarkable...
Even after, Lori's contact with my mom was to console and comfort her. I cant thank Lori enough for all that she did for us during this difficult time. Also to Glen Williams. Thank you both!!